Klonoa door to phantomile
Klonoa door to phantomile

klonoa door to phantomile
  1. #Klonoa door to phantomile full
  2. #Klonoa door to phantomile series

  • There's also Rupurudu! note Let's go! (written as "Loopuludoo" in Empire of Dreams) in the games where everyone speaks "Phantomilian".
  • Cartoon Creature: Klonoa seems to be a Mix-and-Match Critter of a dog, cat, and rabbit.
  • But Now I Must Go: Save the world, go to find another world to save.
  • Break the Cutie: The entirety of the first game is this for him.
  • Blow You Away: His main move is the "Wind Bullet", and he also has the enemy-freezing Hurricane ability in Door to Phantomile.
  • And it's questionable if he even gets to retain the memories of past worlds or the people he met there, considering that he never brings up Huepow or the events of the Door to Phantomile in any subsequent games.
  • Blessed with Suck: Because of his duties as the Dream Traveler, Klonoa goes to several fantastical dream worlds, where he embarks on adventures and makes all sorts of close friends along the way all of which he has to leave behind in the end and return to wherever it is he resides when not saving anything.
  • Bash Brothers: He's this with Guntz in Namco x Capcom they even have the brotherly bond to go with it.
  • Badass Adorable: Being a fluffy bunny/kitty doesn't stop him from regularly taking down evil Eldritch Abominations.
  • His irises have also gotten smaller and more slender, to resemble how they looked in the original game.

    klonoa door to phantomile

    He now wears his collar from the original game, as well as the shoes from Lunatea's Veil, and a shirt similar to the one he wore in the Wii remake.

    klonoa door to phantomile

  • His appearance in the webcomic seems to borrow from all the different designs at once.
  • The second game gave him a more standard anthro design (as pictured right), and while the Wii remake of the first game was originally planned to have a total redesign ( comparison here ◊, proposed design on the right, final design on the left), fan backlash and overall lack of support from the developers led them to make a third design, which looks like Klonoa meets Mega Man Legends in terms of design.
  • Art Evolution: The original game gave him a younger, more feline design with trousers and a collar.
  • In all the other games, however, he is pure good. He is a bounty hunter alongside Guntz and only reaches the Hero Medal Rank of Gold (the next highest up being Star). And if there's even the slightest chance that the villain can be redeemed or saved, he'll do everything in his power to make it happen.
  • All-Loving Hero: He never turns down someone in need.
  • He is kind-spirited and has a strong sense of justice he's able to make friends wherever he goes, but he is also shown as naive.

    #Klonoa door to phantomile series

    The only drawback is the game's length - 20 levels (or visions as is the case here) would have been nearer the mark.Klonoa is the young protagonist of the series who, as the "Dream Traveler", is destined to travel to different dream universes and save them from destruction. Klonoa doesn't excel in any particular department but everything knits together very well indeed and in a very cute way without being too sickly.

    #Klonoa door to phantomile full

    If you want a traditional platformer full of fun, look no further. Coupled with this are elements like floating leaves, waterfalls, torrents of wind, giant machines and mine carts. Visually, Klonoa is a bit like Crash Bandicoot or Pandemoni- um, the main character scrolling in one direction while sometimes having the opportunity to take a different route through the level, thus giving the illusion of 3D. However, to master the techniques required to find all the hidden secrets, bonus points, extra lives etc will prove a challenge for even the most hardened gameplayer. Klonoa, with 12 levels, is relatively easy to get to grips with but the gameplay does get progressively harder and its depth and playability is up there with the best. The plot isn't too complicated and is one we've seen several times before - end of levels bosses, save a few locals and a princess along the way. Instead of shooting the enemies Klonoa inflates them with his power ring. The main character is hard to describe but he/she wouldn't be out of place in a weepie Disney movie. Blood, guts, and gore seem to be the ingredients in the more popular games but if you are looking for that here you're going to be sorely disappointed.

    Klonoa door to phantomile